Scroll down to see some sample installations. Rather than ask where CoolairAustralia’s products can be used, it would be more accurate to ask where they can’t be used!

COFFEE ISLAND outdoor seated patio heating installation
MIKEL CAFETERIA outdoor seating patio heating
COFFEE ISLAND seating patio heating installation
COFFEE ISLAND outdoor seating area heating installation
BARISTIC BAR & GRILL seating patio heating
Home patio heating
LOST & FOUND DRINKERY patio heating
MIKEL CAFE super hot patio heating
All wiring concealed inside the pseudo ceiling: Smart Radiant Heating System Comfort Subtle warmth everywhere you go – that’s the power of SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA radiant heat panels. ​ The whole system is operated automatically, easily and safely. Its thermostat and smart management controls by remote, central, wireless or Wi-Fi control enables flexible operation according to your unique living schedule or commercial needs for creating unique customized heating comfort zones. ​ Our thermostats allow the temperature to be controlled easily and precisely, down to the last degree. www.australiaheating.Com #management #australia #power #heatingsolutions
Fresh air cooling system Displacement cooling methodology Cooling down to zero degrees Celsius Save energy www.coolairportable.com
Open air space outdoor dinner heating system www.australiaheating.com
Outdoor cafeteria heating system www.australiaheating.com
Zero heat loss to the tent cloth Automated closing/opening heating system www.australiaheating.com
Wine bar outdoor heating atmosphere www.australiaheating.com
Cafeteria outdoor heating system www.australiaheating.com
Restaurant outdoor heating system www.australiaheating.com
Outdoor lounge heating atmosphere smart Radiant Heating system www.australiaheating.com
Excellence in outdoor dinning heating system Control the temperature as you like 10 years guaranteed www.australiaheating.com
Concealed wiring in Alluminum pseudo ceiling All aluminum waterproof heating system www.australiaheating.com
Outdoor seating heating system www.australiaheating.com
Open air space veranta heating system Concealed wiring inside the pseudo ceiling control the temperature degrees as you like www.australiaheating.com
Outdoor smoking room heating system Control the temperature as you like www.australiaheating.com
Open air space kiosk heating system www.australiaheating.com
Hotel outdoor dining smart Radiant Heating system www.australiaheating.com
Outdoor smart Radiant Heating System & ceiling fan breeze system www.Coolairaustralia.com
Wooden pergola heating system Zero heating loss to the wooden ceiling www.australiaheating.com
Save energy smart Radiant Heating system for paint shop: 65% save energy Control the temperature as you like 10 years guaranteed www.australiaheating.com
Green Buildings At CoolairAustralia, we work collaboratively with owners, architects, and engineers to help create high performance green buildings. Using our unique patented design approach, our goal is to assist in developing design solutions that result in: 65-100% SAVE ENERGY Self sufficiency results https://www.coolairaustralia.com/green-buildings
At CoolairAustralia we have revolutionized cooling again, Duct work is inefficient, costly and soon to be a thing of the past. COOLAIRPORTABLE units: need no installation. are all one phase-just plug in to operate offer year round, high efficiency cooling for only one dollar per 8 hour operation are fully customizable to each project requirement. have a 5 year Guarantee. Around the world, COOLAIRPORTABLE units, deliver hyper efficient performance cooling to a wide range of industries, using different models for various climates, from the very humid, to the incredible dry. www.coolairportable.com
At CoolairAustralia we have revolutionized cooling again, Duct work is inefficient, costly and soon to be a thing of the past. COOLAIRPORTABLE units: need no installation. are all one phase-just plug in to operate offer year round, high efficiency cooling for only one dollar per 8 hour operation are fully customizable to each project requirement. have a 5 year Guarantee. Around the world, COOLAIRPORTABLE units, deliver hyper efficient performance cooling to a wide range of industries, using different models for various climates, from the very humid, to the incredible dry. www.coolairportable.com
After sales support 24/7/365
One machine to provide: Cooling down to zero degrees Celsius Removal of humidity up to 120 liters per day Removal of hot air
SMART Technology That Puts You in Control of your evaporative air-cooler cooling needs: Pre-cooling mode, Regulation of desired temperature & humidity levels mode, timer programmable mode, Intelligent cleaning mode, Intelligent fault mode Evaporated indirect or direct air-coolers compressor water cooled for chilled water flowing on evaporator pads + chilled cold water coils for extra cold air output www.Coolairaustralia.com
Roof top concealed cooling solution THE BRILLIANT AIR VENTS YOU NEVER KNEW YOU NEEDED The vents are rigged with sensors for temperature and pressure. Once installed, you tell the vent, via the app, what room it’s in (the bedroom, the home office, the den) and it goes about building a profile for that room. If the vent gets assigned to the home office, for instance, it comes pre-programmed with the knowledge that the room will be occupied from about 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Mondays through Fridays. The Smart Vents stay open during those hours, and closed during the rest. Should the home office worker need to log a few extra hours one night, he’ll just adjust the occupancy settings manually in the coolairvents app. Like other smart gadgets, coolairvents will also remember user habits and intelligently open and close vents accordingly. Initial studies show this cuts down the run time on air vents by an average of 22%. www.Coolairaustralia.con
New restaurant outdoor seating space heating Solution www.australiaheating.com
Restaurant outdoor seating space cooling solution www.coolairportable.com
House garden patio seating space heating Solution Open air space heating www.australiaheating.com
Restaurant outdoor seating space cooling solution Open air space cooling art www.coolairportable.com
High ceiling space cooling solution: Save energy cooling Cooling only the needed height space www.Coolairaustralia.com
Displacement cooling solution for a better indoor kitchen climate: Displacement cooling allows incoming supply cold air to push older hot air away without mixing with it. A cold 🥶 air diffuser (or more than one) gently push the cold fresh air into the room, providing a steady flow of “cold new” air that continually pushes the warm, stale air up to the ceiling where it can exit through exhaust vents. The air doesn’t mix, but stays separate, meaning all light-as- or lighter-than-air contaminants are continuously removed. With a displacement cooling setup, the cold fresh air is introduced into the room at low velocity, allowing it to slowly but inexorably push the existing air in the room… www.Coolairaustralia.com
Project & More Events at Mathiatis: Strong cooling up to 30 meters Silent Tall machine - Does not blow on faces 1 € electricity consumption / 5 hours Just plug it in - carry it whenever you need it to cool down COOLAIR2500 https://lnkd.in/dr7zGGn 5 years guaranteed www.Coolairaustralia.com
Outdoor commercial patio cooling+ventilation in one unit installation now: COOLAIR2150 https://lnkd.in/dM5gugV Direct/Indirect evaporative cooling: https://lnkd.in/d69D6dW6
We are everything you ever wanted in save energy heating! ​ The best IN THE WORLD premium smart radiant heaters that are the ultimate in design, performance, and durability for any climate need ​ Looking to heat your space & cut your energy cost? www.australiaheating.Com
Seat Out: Eat; drink; enjoy COOLAIR800 Super cold air 1 euro electricity 8 hours https://youtu.be/ndb0TdssAi4
Powerful cooling up to 30 meters with just 1$ electricity per 5 hours😂: COOLAIR2950 compressor water cooled: https://youtu.be/agIs-NKF8So SUCCESSFUL PORTABLE COOLING SOLUTIONS IN ANY ENVIRONMENT!!! At CoolairAustralia we have revolutionized cooling again, Duct work is inefficient, costly and soon to be a thing of the past. COOLAIRPORTABLE units: need no installation. are all one phase-just plug in to operate offer year round, high efficiency cooling for only one dollar per 8 hour operation are fully customizable to each project requirement. have a 5 year Guarantee. Around the world, COOLAIRPORTABLE units, deliver hyper efficient performance cooling to a wide range of industries, using different models for various climates, from the very humid, to the incredible dry. www.coolairportable.Com #work #project #environment
Seat Out: Eat; Drink; Enjoy 😉 1$ electricity every 8 hrs operation 👍 Outdoor commercial patio cooling+ventilation in one unit installation now: COOLAIR2000 https://lnkd.in/dmB8nws Direct/Indirect evaporative cooling: https://lnkd.in/d69D6dW6
CITO GOURMET EXPRESS: Outdoor cooling made simple. COOLAIR300 compressor water cooled https://youtu.be/vupLiSUUBlg www.coolairportable.com
JUST ITALIAN restaurant outdoor seating patio heating installation
COFFEE ISLAND outdoor seating patio heating
BLUE AVOKANDO outdoor sitting patio heating installation
SECOND CUP cafe outdoor sitting patio heating installation
PYXIDA FISH TAVERN at marina seating patio heating installation
PYXIDA outdoor sitting patio heating installation
Babylon pub outdoor sitting patio heating installation
Playground patio heating installation
OPAP smoking patio heating
Villa's outdoor covered patio heating installation
COFFEE ISLAND outdoor sitting patio heating
KEBAB restaurant outdoor covered sitting patio heating installation
Restaurant dinning outdoor patio heating installation
OPAP PATIO heating installation
PYXIDA FISH tavern at Limassol MARINA dinning patio heating installation
House patio heating installation by coolairaustralia
COFFEE ISLAND patio heating
BOX-T sports bar patio heating by coolairaustralia
COFFEE BRAND patio heating
BASTED upscale restaurant/bar dinning aptios heating
CAFE VERO patio heating by coolairaustralia
COFFEE WAY indoor/outdoor heating by coolairaustralia
RADISSON BLU outdoor patios heating
patio portable cooling
Veranda heating solution
POSTO restaurant patio heating
Solar hybrid airconditioner commercial floor standing model at PIROGA byncoolairaustralia
restaurant cooling by coolairaustralia
quiet pool patio cooling by coolairaustralia
COFFEE BRAND PATIO COOLING by coolairaustralia
WINE BAR patio cooling installation
COFFEE ISLAND patio heating
JOSEPHINE FLOWER SHOP portable cooling installation
TAPEMOC restaurant kitchen cooling installation
CONNECTION CAFE portable cooling
beach bar portable cooling
MOSQUE portable cooling
take away kebab cheap portable cooling installation
TGI FRIDAYS patio cooling installation by coolairaustralia
CLOCK CAFE patio portable cooling installation
CLOCK CAFE ALL DAY SPOT cooling installation by coolairaustralia
HANGOUT CAFE portable cooling
EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY dinning patio portable cooling
SASH LOUNGE cooling installation by coolairaustralia
NAVA SEASIDE portable cooling installation
ALFA PIZZA hot kitchen cooling installation
Parklane Resort dinning patio's heating installations
KALIVA BEACH BAR cooling installation
OPAP SHOP outside patio cooling
aelia wellness retreat dinning patio cooling solution
ALCO FILTER factory spot cooling installation
Outside sitting patio cooling installation
Esspresamente Illy restaurant/cafe outdoor patio cooling installation
BREEZE sea side club/restaurant outdoor cooling installation
MEZE TAVERN kitchen cooling installation
Restaurant hot kitchen cooling installation
7 STARS PIZZA KITCHEN cooling installation
POSTO CUISINE & BAR outdoor sitting are cooling installation
COSTA COFFEE METROPOLITAN outdoor sitting patio cooling installation
CALIFORNIA CAR WASH - reception portable cooling installation
ARABICA CAFE outdoor cooling installation
VALTOU RIGANI Outdoor sitting dinning area cooling installation
MIKEL CAFE outdoor sitting patio cooling installation
BLUE PINE BAR/RESTAURANT portable cooling installation
COFFEE WAY indoor/Outdoor cooling installation
warehouse spot cooling installation
cafeteria patio heating SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the clear choice when it comes to radiant heat. Our products outperform every competitor while using less energy to do so. From installation ease and design versatility to responsible materials, energy savings and unrivaled comfort – SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA wins hands down. ​ Browse the rest of our site for additional information, photos and videos and learn if SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the perfect fit for your next HORECA, Commercial, Industrial or Home project. Or, if you’re ready to go started, we can do that too.
Coffee Island patio heating SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the clear choice when it comes to radiant heat.  Our products outperform every competitor while using less energy to do so. From installation ease and design versatility to responsible materials, energy savings and unrivaled comfort – SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA wins hands down. ​ Browse the rest of our site for additional information, photos and videos and learn if SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the perfect fit for your next HORECA, Commercial, Industrial or Home project. Or, if you’re ready to go started, we can do that too. www.australiaheating.com
Factory spot heating SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the clear choice when it comes to radiant heat.  Our products outperform every competitor while using less energy to do so. From installation ease and design versatility to responsible materials, energy savings and unrivaled comfort – SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA wins hands down. ​ Browse the rest of our site for additional information, photos and videos and learn if SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the perfect fit for your next HORECA, Commercial, Industrial or Home project. Or, if you’re ready to go started, we can do that too. www.australiaheating.com
COFFEE BRAND patio heating SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the clear choice when it comes to radiant heat.  Our products outperform every competitor while using less energy to do so. From installation ease and design versatility to responsible materials, energy savings and unrivaled comfort – SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA wins hands down. ​ Browse the rest of our site for additional information, photos and videos and learn if SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the perfect fit for your next HORECA, Commercial, Industrial or Home project. Or, if you’re ready to go started, we can do that too. www.australiaheating.com
Wine Bar patio heating SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the clear choice when it comes to radiant heat.  Our products outperform every competitor while using less energy to do so. From installation ease and design versatility to responsible materials, energy savings and unrivaled comfort – SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA wins hands down. ​ Browse the rest of our site for additional information, photos and videos and learn if SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the perfect fit for your next HORECA, Commercial, Industrial or Home project. Or, if you’re ready to go started, we can do that too. www.australiaheating.com
COFFEE BRAND sitting area heating SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the clear choice when it comes to radiant heat.  Our products outperform every competitor while using less energy to do so. From installation ease and design versatility to responsible materials, energy savings and unrivaled comfort – SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA wins hands down. ​ Browse the rest of our site for additional information, photos and videos and learn if SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the perfect fit for your next HORECA, Commercial, Industrial or Home project. Or, if you’re ready to go started, we can do that too. www.australiaheating.com
COFFEE BRAND heating SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the clear choice when it comes to radiant heat.  Our products outperform every competitor while using less energy to do so. From installation ease and design versatility to responsible materials, energy savings and unrivaled comfort – SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA wins hands down. ​ Browse the rest of our site for additional information, photos and videos and learn if SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the perfect fit for your next HORECA, Commercial, Industrial or Home project. Or, if you’re ready to go started, we can do that too. www.australiaheating.com
PIZZERIA sitting area heating SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the clear choice when it comes to radiant heat.  Our products outperform every competitor while using less energy to do so. From installation ease and design versatility to responsible materials, energy savings and unrivaled comfort – SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA wins hands down. ​ Browse the rest of our site for additional information, photos and videos and learn if SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the perfect fit for your next HORECA, Commercial, Industrial or Home project. Or, if you’re ready to go started, we can do that too. www.australiaheating.com
Restaurant/cafeteria sitting area heating SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the clear choice when it comes to radiant heat.  Our products outperform every competitor while using less energy to do so. From installation ease and design versatility to responsible materials, energy savings and unrivaled comfort – SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA wins hands down. ​ Browse the rest of our site for additional information, photos and videos and learn if SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the perfect fit for your next HORECA, Commercial, Industrial or Home project. Or, if you’re ready to go started, we can do that too. www.australiaheating.com
Restaurant sitting area heating SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the clear choice when it comes to radiant heat.  Our products outperform every competitor while using less energy to do so. From installation ease and design versatility to responsible materials, energy savings and unrivaled comfort – SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA wins hands down. ​ Browse the rest of our site for additional information, photos and videos and learn if SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the perfect fit for your next HORECA, Commercial, Industrial or Home project. Or, if you’re ready to go started, we can do that too. www.australiaheating.com
Cafeteria patio heating SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the clear choice when it comes to radiant heat.  Our products outperform every competitor while using less energy to do so. From installation ease and design versatility to responsible materials, energy savings and unrivaled comfort – SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA wins hands down. ​ Browse the rest of our site for additional information, photos and videos and learn if SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the perfect fit for your next HORECA, Commercial, Industrial or Home project. Or, if you’re ready to go started, we can do that too. www.australiaheating.com
Restaurant patio heating SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the clear choice when it comes to radiant heat.  Our products outperform every competitor while using less energy to do so. From installation ease and design versatility to responsible materials, energy savings and unrivaled comfort – SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA wins hands down. ​ Browse the rest of our site for additional information, photos and videos and learn if SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the perfect fit for your next HORECA, Commercial, Industrial or Home project. Or, if you’re ready to go started, we can do that too. www.australiaheating.com
LOUNGE BAR RESTAURANT heating SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the clear choice when it comes to radiant heat.  Our products outperform every competitor while using less energy to do so. From installation ease and design versatility to responsible materials, energy savings and unrivaled comfort – SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA wins hands down. ​ Browse the rest of our site for additional information, photos and videos and learn if SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the perfect fit for your next HORECA, Commercial, Industrial or Home project. Or, if you’re ready to go started, we can do that too. www.australiaheating.com
Restaurant outdoor dinning area heating SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the clear choice when it comes to radiant heat.  Our products outperform every competitor while using less energy to do so. From installation ease and design versatility to responsible materials, energy savings and unrivaled comfort – SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA wins hands down. ​ Browse the rest of our site for additional information, photos and videos and learn if SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the perfect fit for your next HORECA, Commercial, Industrial or Home project. Or, if you’re ready to go started, we can do that too. www.australiaheating.com
Haagentaz sitting patio heating SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the clear choice when it comes to radiant heat.  Our products outperform every competitor while using less energy to do so. From installation ease and design versatility to responsible materials, energy savings and unrivaled comfort – SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA wins hands down. ​ Browse the rest of our site for additional information, photos and videos and learn if SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the perfect fit for your next HORECA, Commercial, Industrial or Home project. Or, if you’re ready to go started, we can do that too. www.australiaheating.com
Cafeteria outdoor sitting area heating SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the clear choice when it comes to radiant heat.  Our products outperform every competitor while using less energy to do so. From installation ease and design versatility to responsible materials, energy savings and unrivaled comfort – SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA wins hands down. ​ Browse the rest of our site for additional information, photos and videos and learn if SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the perfect fit for your next HORECA, Commercial, Industrial or Home project. Or, if you’re ready to go started, we can do that too. www.australiaheating.com
Restaurant outdoor patio dinning area heating SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the clear choice when it comes to radiant heat.  Our products outperform every competitor while using less energy to do so. From installation ease and design versatility to responsible materials, energy savings and unrivaled comfort – SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA wins hands down. ​ Browse the rest of our site for additional information, photos and videos and learn if SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the perfect fit for your next HORECA, Commercial, Industrial or Home project. Or, if you’re ready to go started, we can do that too. www.australiaheating.com
GLORIA JEANS cafeteria patio heating SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the clear choice when it comes to radiant heat.  Our products outperform every competitor while using less energy to do so. From installation ease and design versatility to responsible materials, energy savings and unrivaled comfort – SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA wins hands down. ​ Browse the rest of our site for additional information, photos and videos and learn if SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the perfect fit for your next HORECA, Commercial, Industrial or Home project. Or, if you’re ready to go started, we can do that too. www.australiaheating.com
Restaurant outdoor dinning area heating SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the clear choice when it comes to radiant heat.  Our products outperform every competitor while using less energy to do so. From installation ease and design versatility to responsible materials, energy savings and unrivaled comfort – SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA wins hands down. ​ Browse the rest of our site for additional information, photos and videos and learn if SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the perfect fit for your next HORECA, Commercial, Industrial or Home project. Or, if you’re ready to go started, we can do that too. www.australiaheating.com
Restaurant outdoor patio heating SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the clear choice when it comes to radiant heat.  Our products outperform every competitor while using less energy to do so. From installation ease and design versatility to responsible materials, energy savings and unrivaled comfort – SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA wins hands down. ​ Browse the rest of our site for additional information, photos and videos and learn if SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the perfect fit for your next HORECA, Commercial, Industrial or Home project. Or, if you’re ready to go started, we can do that too. www.australiaheating.com
Garage indoor area heating SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the clear choice when it comes to radiant heat.  Our products outperform every competitor while using less energy to do so. From installation ease and design versatility to responsible materials, energy savings and unrivaled comfort – SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA wins hands down. ​ Browse the rest of our site for additional information, photos and videos and learn if SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the perfect fit for your next HORECA, Commercial, Industrial or Home project. Or, if you’re ready to go started, we can do that too. www.australiaheating.com
Restaurant patio heating SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the clear choice when it comes to radiant heat.  Our products outperform every competitor while using less energy to do so. From installation ease and design versatility to responsible materials, energy savings and unrivaled comfort – SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA wins hands down. ​ Browse the rest of our site for additional information, photos and videos and learn if SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the perfect fit for your next HORECA, Commercial, Industrial or Home project. Or, if you’re ready to go started, we can do that too. www.australiaheating.com
Restaurant dinning area heating SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the clear choice when it comes to radiant heat.  Our products outperform every competitor while using less energy to do so. From installation ease and design versatility to responsible materials, energy savings and unrivaled comfort – SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA wins hands down. ​ Browse the rest of our site for additional information, photos and videos and learn if SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the perfect fit for your next HORECA, Commercial, Industrial or Home project. Or, if you’re ready to go started, we can do that too. www.australiaheating.com
Pub outdoor covered area heating SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the clear choice when it comes to radiant heat.  Our products outperform every competitor while using less energy to do so. From installation ease and design versatility to responsible materials, energy savings and unrivaled comfort – SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA wins hands down. ​ Browse the rest of our site for additional information, photos and videos and learn if SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the perfect fit for your next HORECA, Commercial, Industrial or Home project. Or, if you’re ready to go started, we can do that too. www.australiaheating.com
Restaurant outdoor sitting area heating SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the clear choice when it comes to radiant heat.  Our products outperform every competitor while using less energy to do so. From installation ease and design versatility to responsible materials, energy savings and unrivaled comfort – SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA wins hands down. ​ Browse the rest of our site for additional information, photos and videos and learn if SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the perfect fit for your next HORECA, Commercial, Industrial or Home project. Or, if you’re ready to go started, we can do that too. www.australiaheating.com
CREPERIE indoor area heating: What makes a SMART RadiantHeat unit so special is the fact that is also fully customizable and adaptable to any installation heights and surroundings. Nine SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA models are available from 700W to 5000W operated by electricity, hot water or solar power, ensuring the heating requirements of any undercover outdoor or open indoor or room area are met. Brackets for direct ceiling or wall/ceiling angled mounting are supplied as standard. Optional SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA accessories include beam or fixed umbrella mount brackets, extension mount brackets, chain suspension brackets, twin mount brackets and flush mounting enclosures. ​ In addition to our standard colours, sizes, control options and heating capacities, we are pleased to work with you in order to design one-of-a-kind heating solutions for your home or business.
Lounge bar outdoor sitting area heating: What makes a SMART RadiantHeat unit so special is the fact that is also fully customizable and adaptable to any installation heights and surroundings. Nine SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA models are available from 700W to 5000W operated by electricity, hot water or solar power, ensuring the heating requirements of any undercover outdoor or open indoor or room area are met. Brackets for direct ceiling or wall/ceiling angled mounting are supplied as standard. Optional SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA accessories include beam or fixed umbrella mount brackets, extension mount brackets, chain suspension brackets, twin mount brackets and flush mounting enclosures. ​ In addition to our standard colours, sizes, control options and heating capacities, we are pleased to work with you in order to design one-of-a-kind heating solutions for your home or business. www.australiaheating.com
Gaming shop indoor area heating: What makes a SMART RadiantHeat unit so special is the fact that is also fully customizable and adaptable to any installation heights and surroundings. Nine SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA models are available from 700W to 5000W operated by electricity, hot water or solar power, ensuring the heating requirements of any undercover outdoor or open indoor or room area are met. Brackets for direct ceiling or wall/ceiling angled mounting are supplied as standard. Optional SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA accessories include beam or fixed umbrella mount brackets, extension mount brackets, chain suspension brackets, twin mount brackets and flush mounting enclosures. ​ In addition to our standard colours, sizes, control options and heating capacities, we are pleased to work with you in order to design one-of-a-kind heating solutions for your home or business. www.australiaheating.com
Wine bar outdoor sitting area heating What makes a SMART RadiantHeat unit so special is the fact that is also fully customizable and adaptable to any installation heights and surroundings. Nine SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA models are available from 700W to 5000W operated by electricity, hot water or solar power, ensuring the heating requirements of any undercover outdoor or open indoor or room area are met. Brackets for direct ceiling or wall/ceiling angled mounting are supplied as standard. Optional SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA accessories include beam or fixed umbrella mount brackets, extension mount brackets, chain suspension brackets, twin mount brackets and flush mounting enclosures. ​ In addition to our standard colours, sizes, control options and heating capacities, we are pleased to work with you in order to design one-of-a-kind heating solutions for your home or business. www.australiaheating.com
Veranda sitting area heating
SECOND CUP cafeteria outdoor sitting area heating: What makes a SMART RadiantHeat unit so special is the fact that is also fully customizable and adaptable to any installation heights and surroundings. Nine SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA models are available from 700W to 5000W operated by electricity, hot water or solar power, ensuring the heating requirements of any undercover outdoor or open indoor or room area are met. Brackets for direct ceiling or wall/ceiling angled mounting are supplied as standard. Optional SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA accessories include beam or fixed umbrella mount brackets, extension mount brackets, chain suspension brackets, twin mount brackets and flush mounting enclosures. ​ In addition to our standard colours, sizes, control options and heating capacities, we are pleased to work with you in order to design one-of-a-kind heating solutions for your home or business. www.australiaheating.com
Cafeteria patio heating What makes a SMART RadiantHeat unit so special is the fact that is also fully customizable and adaptable to any installation heights and surroundings. Nine SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA models are available from 700W to 5000W operated by electricity, hot water or solar power, ensuring the heating requirements of any undercover outdoor or open indoor or room area are met. Brackets for direct ceiling or wall/ceiling angled mounting are supplied as standard. Optional SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA accessories include beam or fixed umbrella mount brackets, extension mount brackets, chain suspension brackets, twin mount brackets and flush mounting enclosures. ​ In addition to our standard colours, sizes, control options and heating capacities, we are pleased to work with you in order to design one-of-a-kind heating solutions for your home or business. www.australiaheating.com
Boutique hotel patio heating SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the clear choice when it comes to radiant heat. Our products outperform every competitor while using less energy to do so. From installation ease and design versatility to responsible materials, energy savings and unrivaled comfort – SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA wins hands down. ​ Browse the rest of our site for additional information, photos and videos and learn if SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the perfect fit for your next HORECA, Commercial, Industrial or Home project. Or, if you’re ready to go started, we can do that too.
Veranda heating SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the clear choice when it comes to radiant heat. Our products outperform every competitor while using less energy to do so. From installation ease and design versatility to responsible materials, energy savings and unrivaled comfort – SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA wins hands down. ​ Browse the rest of our site for additional information, photos and videos and learn if SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the perfect fit for your next HORECA, Commercial, Industrial or Home project. Or, if you’re ready to go started, we can do that too.
SECONDCUP CAFETERIA HEATING SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the clear choice when it comes to radiant heat. Our products outperform every competitor while using less energy to do so. From installation ease and design versatility to responsible materials, energy savings and unrivaled comfort – SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA wins hands down. ​ Browse the rest of our site for additional information, photos and videos and learn if SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the perfect fit for your next HORECA, Commercial, Industrial or Home project. Or, if you’re ready to go started, we can do that too.
Restaurant Lounge outdoor patio heatSMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the clear choice when it comes to radiant heat. Our products outperform every competitor while using less energy to do so. From installation ease and design versatility to responsible materials, energy savings and unrivaled comfort – SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA wins hands down. ​ Browse the rest of our site for additional information, photos and videos and learn if SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the perfect fit for your next HORECA, Commercial, Industrial or Home project. Or, if you’re ready to go started, we can do that too.ing
Boutique hotel dinning area patio heating SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the clear choice when it comes to radiant heat. Our products outperform every competitor while using less energy to do so. From installation ease and design versatility to responsible materials, energy savings and unrivaled comfort – SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA wins hands down. ​ Browse the rest of our site for additional information, photos and videos and learn if SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the perfect fit for your next HORECA, Commercial, Industrial or Home project. Or, if you’re ready to go started, we can do that too.
Commercial save energy indoor heating SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the clear choice when it comes to radiant heat. Our products outperform every competitor while using less energy to do so. From installation ease and design versatility to responsible materials, energy savings and unrivaled comfort – SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA wins hands down. ​ Browse the rest of our site for additional information, photos and videos and learn if SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the perfect fit for your next HORECA, Commercial, Industrial or Home project. Or, if you’re ready to go started, we can do that too.
kiosk 24hrs indoor heating solution SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the clear choice when it comes to radiant heat. Our products outperform every competitor while using less energy to do so. From installation ease and design versatility to responsible materials, energy savings and unrivaled comfort – SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA wins hands down. ​ Browse the rest of our site for additional information, photos and videos and learn if SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the perfect fit for your next HORECA, Commercial, Industrial or Home project. Or, if you’re ready to go started, we can do that too.
Coffee Island patio heating www.australiaheating.com
Restaurant outdoor dinning patio heating. Design Your space, your rules What makes a SMART RadiantHeat unit so special is the fact that is also fully customizable and adaptable to any installation heights and surroundings. Nine SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA models are available from 700W to 5000W operated by electricity, hot water or solar power, ensuring the heating requirements of any undercover outdoor or open indoor or room area are met. Brackets for direct ceiling or wall/ceiling angled mounting are supplied as standard. Optional SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA accessories include beam or fixed umbrella mount brackets, extension mount brackets, chain suspension brackets, twin mount brackets and flush mounting enclosures. ​ In addition to our standard colours, sizes, control options and heating capacities, we are pleased to work with you in order to design one-of-a-kind heating solutions for your home or business.
super hot cafeteria heating SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the clear choice when it comes to radiant heat. Our products outperform every competitor while using less energy to do so. From installation ease and design versatility to responsible materials, energy savings and unrivaled comfort – SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA wins hands down. ​ Browse the rest of our site for additional information, photos and videos and learn if SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the perfect fit for your next HORECA, Commercial, Industrial or Home project. Or, if you’re ready to go started, we can do that too.
veranda patio heating SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the clear choice when it comes to radiant heat. Our products outperform every competitor while using less energy to do so. From installation ease and design versatility to responsible materials, energy savings and unrivaled comfort – SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA wins hands down. ​ Browse the rest of our site for additional information, photos and videos and learn if SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the perfect fit for your next HORECA, Commercial, Industrial or Home project. Or, if you’re ready to go started, we can do that too.
coffee island patio heating installation, zero light, super hot, super save energy 65%. SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the clear choice when it comes to radiant heat. Our products outperform every competitor while using less energy to do so. From installation ease and design versatility to responsible materials, energy savings and unrivaled comfort – SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA wins hands down. ​ Browse the rest of our site for additional information, photos and videos and learn if SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the perfect fit for your next HORECA, Commercial, Industrial or Home project. Or, if you’re ready to go started, we can do that too.
super hot, super save energy 65% smart radiant heating by coolairaustralia. SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the clear choice when it comes to radiant heat. Our products outperform every competitor while using less energy to do so. From installation ease and design versatility to responsible materials, energy savings and unrivaled comfort – SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA wins hands down. ​ Browse the rest of our site for additional information, photos and videos and learn if SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the perfect fit for your next HORECA, Commercial, Industrial or Home project. Or, if you’re ready to go started, we can do that too.
65% save energy heating SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the clear choice when it comes to radiant heat. Our products outperform every competitor while using less energy to do so. From installation ease and design versatility to responsible materials, energy savings and unrivaled comfort – SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA wins hands down. ​ Browse the rest of our site for additional information, photos and videos and learn if SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the perfect fit for your next HORECA, Commercial, Industrial or Home project. Or, if you’re ready to go started, we can do that too.
zero light heating installation, super save energy 65% SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the clear choice when it comes to radiant heat. Our products outperform every competitor while using less energy to do so. From installation ease and design versatility to responsible materials, energy savings and unrivaled comfort – SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA wins hands down. ​ Browse the rest of our site for additional information, photos and videos and learn if SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA is the perfect fit for your next HORECA, Commercial, Industrial or Home project. Or, if you’re ready to go started, we can do that too.
Outdoor dinning area heating installation to create a Comfort Subtle warmth everywhere you go – that's the power of SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA radiant heat panels. ​ The whole system is operated automatically, easily and safely. Its thermostat and smart management controls by remote, central, wireless or Wi-Fi control enables flexible operation according to your unique living schedule or commercial needs for creating unique customized heating comfort zones. ​ Our thermostats allow the temperature to be controlled easily and precisely, down to the last degree.
COFFEE ISLAND heating solution for open space with open doors and windows. www.australiaheating.com Comfort Subtle warmth everywhere you go – that's the power of SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA radiant heat panels. ​ The whole system is operated automatically, easily and safely. Its thermostat and smart management controls by remote, central, wireless or Wi-Fi control enables flexible operation according to your unique living schedule or commercial needs for creating unique customized heating comfort zones. Our thermostats allow the temperature to be controlled easily and precisely, down to the last degree.
Restaurant's patio poirtable cooling solution by coolairaustralia. www.coolairportable.com SUCCESSFUL PORTABLE COOLING IN ANY ENVIRONMENT!!! At CoolairAustralia we have revolutionized cooling again, Duct work is inefficient, costly and soon to be a thing of the past. COOLAIRPORTABLE units: need no installation. are all one phase-just plug in to operate offer year round, high efficiency cooling for only one dollar per 8 hour operation are fully customizable to each project requirement. have a 5 year Guarantee. Around the world, COOLAIRPORTABLE units, deliver hyper efficient performance cooling to a wide range of industries, using different models for various climates, from the very humid, to the incredible dry.
PROJECT: Restaurant outdoor branch dinning patio heating CUSTOMER: Requested a save energy no emit light heating solution SOLUTION: Installation two smart radiant heaters, no emit light, 65% save energy centrally controlled at the barista area.
ESPERIA FISH TAVERN cheap portable cooling solution www.coolairportable.com Hotels, Restaurants, Cafeterias COOLAIRPORTABLE The best premium portable cooling units that are the ultimate in design, performance, and durability. Looking to cool your space & Cut your Energy Cost? Succesfull Portable Cooling in any HORECA environment Regardless of diversity of requirements, CoolairAustralia has complete COOLAIRPORTABLE solutions to be used in your hotels lobby, Guest rooms, kitchen, restaurants, bars, meeting rooms, cafeterias and outdoor areas. From restaurant's kitchens to football field size spaces, to underground pool and cafeteria, we can help create a fit-for-purpose COOLAIRPORTABLE solutions.
FRUIT SHOP cooling solution to prolong fruits shelf life www.coolairportable.com COOLAIRPORTABLE The best premium portable cooling units that are the ultimate in design, performance, and durability. Looking to cool your space & Cut your Energy Cost? Succesfull Portable Cooling in any Commercial environment COOLAIRPORTABLE solutions can be used in your Office, Shop, Supermarket, Gym, Kids playground, Automotive establishment, Warehouse, Factory, Agricaltural area, Cow farm... Advanced technology combined with many years of experience in air conditioning of this type of commercial establishments guarantees successful execution of your project.
When it comes to radiant heat, SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA obliterates the competition, achieving a maximum heat surface output 380 degrees celsius in just minutes. Other products take 3 to 7 times longer to reach just 300 degrees celsius heat output. Because of this remarkable speed, we can take advantage of much lower kilowatt consumption, not only lowering your heating bill, but improving the performance, and lifespan, of your heating components as well.
New Silver Star Wine Bar at Nicosia Smart Radiant Heating panel 2022 new model just arrived for installation. www.australiaheating.Com #heating #outdoor #horeca
Veranda patio heating Solution www.australiaheating.Com #business2business #owner #entrepreneurs
Limassol seafront house: swimming pool patio seating heating: Super hot 🥵 super efficient smart Radiant heating 65% save energy compared to gas heaters 50% save energy compared to infrared or electric heaters www.australiaheating.Com
New RED SHEEP 🐑 cafeteria patio heating Solution www.australiaheating.Com #business2business
HAGENTAZ at Finikoudes: 💯 % solution guaranteed Super hot 🥵 super efficient smart Radiant heating www.australiaheating.Com
+VERANTA +Smart Radiant Heating Who doesn’t like a veranda with a subtle warmth comfort in the winter? Over the centuries, verantas have performed an important role as beautiful, yet practical living lifestyle on buildings worldwide. That little piece of freedom in the fresh air may often seem negligible, but even small verantas can be comfortably warmed with smart radiant heaters. We at Coolairaustralia strive to create a unique blend of heating comfort , feeling, and ease of operation that compliments our client’s vision for enjoying the outdoors even the coldest day of the winter . www.australiaheating.Com #architecture #interiordesign #interior #luxuryinteriordesign
Comfort Subtle warmth everywhere you go – that's the power of SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA radiant heat panels. ​ The whole system is operated automatically, easily and safely. Its thermostat and smart management controls by remote, central, wireless or Wi-Fi control enables flexible operation according to your unique living schedule or commercial needs for creating unique customized heating comfort zones. ​ Our thermostats allow the temperature to be controlled easily and precisely, down to the last degree.
Veranda pseudo ceiling heating installation ​ lightweight aluminium weatherproof IP65 radiant panels 9 kgs, zero heat loss to the ceiling surface, color selected is all black , dimensions 200cm x 17cm x7cm; brackets all stainless-steel, spread heat evenly , central control thermostat control, WiFi or wireless your choice. www.australiaheating.Com #heating #heatingandcooling #patiolife
Flexibility of design & Installation, anywhere around YOUR SPACE, including undercover outdoor living and alfresco dining areas; patios, verandas, courtyards and balconies; and hard-to-heat garages or sheds. They can even be installed under a wire rope. ​ We offer nine SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA models from 700W to 5000W, operated with electricity, hot water or solar panels ensuring the heating requirements of any outdoor or indoor area are met. Brackets for direct ceiling or wall/ceiling angled mounting are supplied as standard. Optional SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA accessories include beam or fixed umbrella mount brackets, extension mount brackets, chain suspension brackets, twin mount brackets and flush mounting enclosures
We are everything you ever wanted in save energy heating! ​ The best IN THE WORLD premium smart radiant heaters that are the ultimate in design, performance, and durability for any climate need ​ Looking to heat your space & cut your energy cost? ​ www.australiaheating.com
Comfort Subtle warmth everywhere you go – that's the power of SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA radiant heat panels. ​ The whole system is operated automatically, easily and safely. Its thermostat and smart management controls by remote, central, wireless or Wi-Fi control enables flexible operation according to your unique living schedule or commercial needs for creating unique customized heating comfort zones. ​ Our thermostats allow the temperature to be controlled easily and precisely, down to the last degree.
Flexibility of design & Installation, anywhere around YOUR SPACE, including undercover outdoor living and alfresco dining areas; patios, verandas, courtyards and balconies; and hard-to-heat garages or sheds. They can even be installed under a wire rope. ​ We offer nine SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA models from 700W to 5000W, operated with electricity, hot water or solar panels ensuring the heating requirements of any outdoor or indoor area are met. Brackets for direct ceiling or wall/ceiling angled mounting are supplied as standard. Optional SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA accessories include beam or fixed umbrella mount brackets, extension mount brackets, chain suspension brackets, twin mount brackets and flush mounting enclosures www.australiaheating.com
Flexibility of design & Installation, anywhere around YOUR SPACE, including undercover outdoor living and alfresco dining areas; patios, verandas, courtyards and balconies; and hard-to-heat garages or sheds. They can even be installed under a wire rope. ​ We offer nine SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA models from 700W to 5000W, operated with electricity, hot water or solar panels ensuring the heating requirements of any outdoor or indoor area are met. Brackets for direct ceiling or wall/ceiling angled mounting are supplied as standard. Optional SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA accessories include beam or fixed umbrella mount brackets, extension mount brackets, chain suspension brackets, twin mount brackets and flush mounting enclosures www.australiaheating.com
Flexibility of design & Installation, anywhere around YOUR SPACE, including undercover outdoor living and alfresco dining areas; patios, verandas, courtyards and balconies; and hard-to-heat garages or sheds. They can even be installed under a wire rope. ​ We offer nine SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA models from 700W to 5000W, operated with electricity, hot water or solar panels ensuring the heating requirements of any outdoor or indoor area are met. Brackets for direct ceiling or wall/ceiling angled mounting are supplied as standard. Optional SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA accessories include beam or fixed umbrella mount brackets, extension mount brackets, chain suspension brackets, twin mount brackets and flush mounting enclosures www.australiaheating.com
Flexibility of design & Installation, anywhere around YOUR SPACE, including undercover outdoor living and alfresco dining areas; patios, verandas, courtyards and balconies; and hard-to-heat garages or sheds. They can even be installed under a wire rope. ​ We offer nine SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA models from 700W to 5000W, operated with electricity, hot water or solar panels ensuring the heating requirements of any outdoor or indoor area are met. Brackets for direct ceiling or wall/ceiling angled mounting are supplied as standard. Optional SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA accessories include beam or fixed umbrella mount brackets, extension mount brackets, chain suspension brackets, twin mount brackets and flush mounting enclosures www.australiaheating.com
65% Savings Save the planet, save some money - or even a lot of money Research has shown that radiant heating is about 45% more energy efficient than forced air. But with CoolairAustralia's SMART RADIANT HEATING, that percentage is even higher up to 65% due to greater heating output performance and much much lower kilowatt consumption.
Comfort Subtle warmth everywhere you go – that's the power of SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA radiant heat panels. ​ The whole system is operated automatically, easily and safely. Its thermostat and smart management controls by remote, central, wireless or Wi-Fi control enables flexible operation according to your unique living schedule or commercial needs for creating unique customized heating comfort zones. ​ Our thermostats allow the temperature to be controlled easily and precisely, down to the last degree. www.australiaheating.com
Flexibility of design & Installation, anywhere around YOUR SPACE, including undercover outdoor living and alfresco dining areas; patios, verandas, courtyards and balconies; and hard-to-heat garages or sheds. They can even be installed under a wire rope. ​ We offer nine SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA models from 700W to 5000W, operated with electricity, hot water or solar panels ensuring the heating requirements of any outdoor or indoor area are met. Brackets for direct ceiling or wall/ceiling angled mounting are supplied as standard. Optional SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA accessories include beam or fixed umbrella mount brackets, extension mount brackets, chain suspension brackets, twin mount brackets and flush mounting enclosures
We take the guesswork out of choosing the right outdoor heater! Our Save Energy engineers help architects & business owners design & implement the correct solution for their establishment. We have a large selection of residential and commercial outdoor heaters, from electric heaters to natural gas and propane heaters. Our commercial grade products feature all-weather models that can be ceiling, wall or column mounted. We offer solid, commercial quality natural gas, electric, and propane outdoor heaters that can be enjoyed in outdoor patios or loggias, restaurant dining areas, queue lines and more. Our styles include mobile heaters, portable heaters, free-standing outdoor heaters, mounted heaters, in-ground heaters and table top heaters.
When it comes to radiant heat, SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA obliterates the competition, achieving a maximum heat surface output 380 degrees celsius in just minutes. Other products take 3 to 7 times longer to reach just 300 degrees celsius heat output. Because of this remarkable speed, we can take advantage of much lower kilowatt consumption, not only lowering your heating bill, but improving the performance, and lifespan, of your heating components as well.
When it comes to radiant heat, SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA obliterates the competition, achieving a maximum heat surface output 380 degrees celsius in just minutes. Other products take 3 to 7 times longer to reach just 300 degrees celsius heat output. Because of this remarkable speed, we can take advantage of much lower kilowatt consumption, not only lowering your heating bill, but improving the performance, and lifespan, of your heating components as well.
High ceiling space heating for new GYROS SALONIKIOS restaurant. www.australuaheating.com
UMAMI open air space patio seating space heating Solution by www.australiaheating.com
Bet on Alfa Concealed wiring Smart Radiant Heating solution installation: www.australiaheating.com #heating #patio #restaurant #owner
BIERGARTEN at Limassol: Smart Radiant Heating solution installation: Seat Out: Eat; drink 🥤; Enjoy 😉 www.australiaheating.com #heating #patio #restaurant #owner
Comfort Subtle warmth everywhere you go – that's the power of SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA radiant heat panels. ​ The whole system is operated automatically, easily and safely. Its thermostat and smart management controls by remote, central, wireless or Wi-Fi control enables flexible operation according to your unique living schedule or commercial needs for creating unique customized heating comfort zones. ​ Our thermostats allow the temperature to be controlled easily and precisely, down to the last degree. www.australiaheating.com
OPAP at Kalipoleos: Smart Radiant Heating solution installation: Seat Out: Eat; drink 🥤; Enjoy 😉 www.australiaheating.com
Comfort Subtle warmth everywhere you go – that's the power of SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA radiant heat panels. ​ The whole system is operated automatically, easily and safely. Its thermostat and smart management controls by remote, central, wireless or Wi-Fi control enables flexible operation according to your unique living schedule or commercial needs for creating unique customized heating comfort zones. ​ Our thermostats allow the temperature to be controlled easily and precisely, down www.australiaheating.com
Comfort Subtle warmth everywhere you go – that's the power of SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA radiant heat panels. ​ The whole system is operated automatically, easily and safely. Its thermostat and smart management controls by remote, central, wireless or Wi-Fi control enables flexible operation according to your unique living schedule or commercial needs for creating unique customized heating comfort zones. ​ Our thermostats allow the temperature to be controlled easily and precisely, down www.australiaheating.com
Comfort Subtle warmth everywhere you go – that's the power of SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA radiant heat panels. ​ The whole system is operated automatically, easily and safely. Its thermostat and smart management controls by remote, central, wireless or Wi-Fi control enables flexible operation according to your unique living schedule or commercial needs for creating unique customized heating comfort zones. ​ Our thermostats allow the temperature to be controlled easily and precisely, down www.australiaheating.com
Comfort Subtle warmth everywhere you go – that's the power of SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA radiant heat panels. ​ The whole system is operated automatically, easily and safely. Its thermostat and smart management controls by remote, central, wireless or Wi-Fi control enables flexible operation according to your unique living schedule or commercial needs for creating unique customized heating comfort zones. ​ Our thermostats allow the temperature to be controlled easily and precisely, down
Comfort Subtle warmth everywhere you go – that's the power of SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA radiant heat panels. ​ The whole system is operated automatically, easily and safely. Its thermostat and smart management controls by remote, central, wireless or Wi-Fi control enables flexible operation according to your unique living schedule or commercial needs for creating unique customized heating comfort zones. ​ Our thermostats allow the temperature to be controlled easily and precisely, down
Comfort Subtle warmth everywhere you go – that's the power of SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA radiant heat panels. ​ The whole system is operated automatically, easily and safely. Its thermostat and smart management controls by remote, central, wireless or Wi-Fi control enables flexible operation according to your unique living schedule or commercial needs for creating unique customized heating comfort zones. ​ Our thermostats allow the temperature to be controlled easily and precisely, down to the last degree. www.australiaheating.com
Comfort Subtle warmth everywhere you go – that's the power of SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA radiant heat panels. ​ The whole system is operated automatically, easily and safely. Its thermostat and smart management controls by remote, central, wireless or Wi-Fi control enables flexible operation according to your unique living schedule or commercial needs for creating unique customized heating comfort zones. ​ Our thermostats allow the temperature to be controlled easily and precisely, down to the last degree. www.australiaheating.com
Comfort Subtle warmth everywhere you go – that's the power of SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA radiant heat panels. ​ The whole system is operated automatically, easily and safely. Its thermostat and smart management controls by remote, central, wireless or Wi-Fi control enables flexible operation according to your unique living schedule or commercial needs for creating unique customized heating comfort zones. ​ Our thermostats allow the temperature to be controlled easily and precisely, down to the last degree. www.australiaheating.com
100% heating solution guaranteed 👍🙏☝️ Space for kids playground at Plati: Automated tent pergola space heating Solution ☝️ Zero heat loss to the tent pergola 👍 Heat only the needed space👏 www.australiaheating.com #heating #solution #highceilings #australianmade
Lions preschool football academy: Open air space space heating Solution ☝️ Zero heat loss to the ceiling 👍 Heat only the needed space👏 www.australiaheating.com #heating #solution #highceilings #australianmade
Hot air rises - so as fast as you heat the air - so it rises up into that ceiling space where it does nobody any good. You have to heat up all of that air at the top of the room before it gets warm lower down where the people are. Adding a ceiling fan will move hot air, but also creates a draft that makes you colder. Moving your HVAC vents lower, even to the floor, is okay if you plan on standing right next to the vent all day. A Real Solution for High Ceilings Heating Radiant Heat is Different Radiant heat does not heat up the air directly like a hot air system does. Radiant heat warms objects and people directly. Think of radiant heat like sunlight. It “shines” on all the objects and people it can see. That “shine” is what warms you and the objects within the room. Just like the Sun warms you directly on a clear day. Directly, instantly and efficiently. Ceiling height isn’t a factor in how far radiant heat can travel. Since radiant heat doesn’t heat the air directly, there’s no hot air rising (and no cold down drafts)in the room, and thus the warmth is evenly distributed throughout the space. There’s no need for fans to move the heat to where you are—at the floor level. Radiant heat does its job effectively and efficiently. www.australiaheating.com
100% heating solution guaranteed 👍🙏☝️ Felicity kindergarten waiting area for swimming pool: High open air space ceiling heating Solution ☝️ Zero heat loss to the ceiling 👍 Heat only the needed space👏 www.australiaheating.com #heating #solution #highceilings #australianmade Comfort Subtle warmth everywhere you go – that's the power of SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA radiant heat panels. ​ The whole system is operated automatically, easily and safely. Its thermostat and smart management controls by remote, central, wireless or Wi-Fi control enables flexible operation according to your unique living schedule or commercial needs for creating unique customized heating comfort zones. ​ Our thermostats allow the temperature to be controlled easily and precisely, down to the last degree.
Open air space veranda outdoor experience: Seat out: Eat; drink; enjoy 😉 www.australiaheating.com #patiolife #restaurantbusiness #comfort #heating
cozy patio. www.australiaheating.com
Seat Out: Eat; Drink; Enjoy! It’s that simple www.coolairportable.com
Seat Out: Eat; Drink; Enjoy! It’s that simple www.coolairportable.com
Seat Out: Eat; Drink; Enjoy! It’s that simple www.coolairportable.com
cozy patio. www.australiaheating.com
Seat Out: Eat; Drink; Enjoy! It’s that simple www.coolairportable.com #coolingoff
Seat Out: Eat; Drink; Enjoy! It’s that simple www.coolairportable.com MELIRITON
Seat Out: Eat; Drink; Enjoy! It’s that simple www.coolairportable.com MOONDOG Sports Bar
Seat Out: Eat; Drink; Enjoy! It’s that simple www.coolairportable.com LIQUID all day at Ayia Napa
Seat Out: Eat; Drink; Enjoy! Industrial Outdoor dinning cooling made simple: https://lnkd.in/dW9DjJJ
Seat Out: Eat; Drink; Enjoy! IVY LOUNGE BAR Limassol Concealed Outdoor dinning cooling made simple: https://lnkd.in/dW9DjJJ
Turn Your Restaurant’s Patio into a Year Round Dining Destination! To help your restaurant maximize the revenue opportunities that come with extending the seasonal life of your patio and turning your outdoor dining area into a year-round experience, Check below 👇 90% Save Energy Cooling HORECA www.coolairportable.com 65% Save Energy Heating HORECA www.australiaheating.com
Just Cool It. www.coolairportable.com
Displacement cooling solution for hot restaurant kitchen Kitchen Ventilation The effectiveness of ventilation effectiveness is the ability of the ventilation system to achieve design conditions in the space (air temperature, humidity, the concentration of impurities and air velocity) at minimum energy consumption. The air distribution methods used in the kitchen should be one that provides adequate ventilation in the occupied zone, without disturbing the thermal plume. In the case of a commercial kitchen, the airflow rate required to ventilate the space is a major factor that contributes to the system energy consumption. Traditionally high-velocity mixing or low-velocity mixing systems are taken into consideration. An alternative that clearly demonstrates improved thermal comfort over mixing systems, is displacement ventilation. The supply of air (make-up air) can be delivered to the kitchen in two ways: • high velocity or mixing ventilation • low velocity or displacement. The airflow and air distribution methods that are used in the kitchen should be one that provides adequate ventilation in the place where it is installed, without disturbing the surrounding air as it rises into the hood system. As per the standards states ventilation rate over 40 vol. /h effect on the basis of the heat load may influence to droughts. The location of the installed ventilation is also important for providing good ventilation. Ventilating systems should be designed and placed so that the ventilation air is provided equally throughout the occupied zone. Locating the supply and exhaust units too close to each other, causing ‘short-circuiting’ of the air directly from the supply opening to the exhaust openings are some common faults. Installation of supply diffusers of high velocity close to the hood system leads to a reduction in the ability of the hood system to give ample capture and containment (C&C) of the thermal plume. It is a known fact that the type of air distribution system utilised affects the amount of exhaust needed to capture and contain the effluent created in the cooking process. A properly designed and sized kitchen hood will ensure that effluents and convective heat (warm air) from the cooking process are captured; however, it is not sufficient to ensure the kitchen space temperature is comfortable. The radiation load from appliances under the hood, heat from appliances not under the hood, people, lights, kitchen shell (heat transfer through walls and ceiling), solar load, and implied heat and moisture from untreated makeup air are to be managed by the kitchen air conditioning system. It is recommended that a negative air balance be maintained in the kitchen. A simple rule of thumb is that the amount of air exhausted from the kitchen should be at least 10% higher than the supply air flow into the kitchen. This will guarantee that the odours from the kitchen do not spread to the adjacent spaces. DISPLACEMENT VENTILATION—THE MORE EFFICIENT WAY TO COOL A KITCHEN Most conventional kitchens use mixing ventilation to cool the space. In mixing ventilation systems, cool conditioned air is typically supplied through ceiling diffusers at a high discharge velocity. This high velocity is required to create a high momentum air jet for efficient mixing of supply air with room air. This air distribution system may not neces- sarily be the best fit for a commercial kitchen for two reasons: 1. High discharge velocity from mixing diffusers creates unwanted air movement and cross-drafts in the kitchen that make it difficult to capture and contain the plume from cooking appliances with the hoods. 2. All the heat rising from multiple heat sources in the kitchen is mixed within the space. An alternative air distribution system—thermal displacement ventilation (TDV)—is a better fit for the kitchen environment. In TDV systems cool air is supplied at low velocity directly into the occupied zone. Rather than mix the heat and contaminants in the space, as the mixing system does, TDV stratifies and displaces them out of the occupied zone into the upper part of the space. As a result the air velocity in the space is low, with no undesired cross-drafts, which makes it easier for the hoods to capture and contain plumes from cooking appliances. In fact, the hood exhaust airflow can be reduced by 12.5 % (VDI 2052 1999) when a mixing air distri- bution system is replaced with TDV. The space temperature, especially in the lower occupied part of kitchen, is much cooler with the displacement ventilation system than with the mixing ventilation system. A more accurate comparison of the temperature difference between the displacement and mixing ventilation systems at various heights in the room is clearly understood in field practise by the kitchen personnel who feel discomfort at the face level. It can be observed that at a head height of 70 inches (1.8 m) the displacement system has a temperature of 85°F (29.4°C) and the mixing ventilation system has a temperature of 98°F (36.7°C). This result shows that displacement ventilation can have a positive impact on comfort in the kitchen space. Besides occupant comfort, an additional benefit of using the displacement ventilation system is that it can improve the efficiency of the kitchen exhaust hoods due to a reduction in turbulence in the kitchen environment.
General cooling: Many modern buildings require cooling either for the comfort of the occupants or to protect the processes or equipment they contain. There are three typical methods which can be employed to cool these buildings; ventilation, evaporative cooling or a refrigeration based air conditioning system. The choice of system can have a dramatic effect on the total carbon emissions of the building and the energy consumed due to their different electrical demands. See our Air Conditioning comparison to compare the features of Air Conditioning with Evaporative Cooling: entilation systems can provide comfort cooling for most of the year. During prolonged periods of high temperatures, they are unable to maintain internal temperatures below 25°C. Refrigeration based systems are effective but can be expensive to operate and are not carbon friendly. Evaporative cooling can produce air consistently below 22°C in the UK climate, provides an intermediate solution which consumes only a fraction of the electricity. For more information please see the Safety and Energy Savings page. Why use Coolairaustralia ? The COOLAIR range is the only evaporative cooler designed specifically for the UK and European industrial and commercial market. We have been in operation now for over 60 years and have more than 10009 installations in the World many of our clients have used us for several different applications.
Outdoor heating made simple: Subtle patio heating for fixed installation – perfect for outdoor food service businesses or homes. Simply turn it on and enjoy the heat. No bright red light, pleasant warmth all over the whole body. How Smart Radiant ambient heaters work. The heaters produce heat in seconds on the basis of ultra-fast radiant wave technology. Resulting in design and ambient heaters that emit virtually no light at all and can therefore work subtly in the background. This is appreciated wherever an exceptional atmosphere has been created by interior furnishings or design that has to be heated pleasantly but not spoilt. This is precisely where Smart Radiant heating comes into play! Design Your space, your rules What makes a SMART RadiantHeat unit so special is the fact that is also fully customizable and adaptable to any installation heights and surroundings. Nine SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA models are available from 700W to 5000W operated by electricity, hot water or solar power, ensuring the heating requirements of any undercover outdoor or open indoor or room area are met. Brackets for direct ceiling or wall/ceiling angled mounting are supplied as standard. Optional SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA accessories include beam or fixed umbrella mount brackets, extension mount brackets, chain suspension brackets, twin mount brackets and flush mounting enclosures. ​ In addition to our standard colours, sizes, control options and heating capacities, we are pleased to work with you in order to design one-of-a-kind heating solutions for your home or business. www.australiaheating.com
Fresh air pre cooled Kitchen cooling made simple. www.coolairportable.com
Displacement cooling & ventilation for hot 🥵 industrial space can drastically improve HVAC system efficiency and cooling quality. Traditional ventilation & cooling methods mixes a turbulent stream of fresh & conditioned air with waste air that has been exhaled by occupants of a space, creating a constant mix of medium-quality cooled air - almost inefficient in all commercial kitchens. Displacement cooling & ventilation uses a slow-moving stream of fresh air or cooled air from the floor to displace the waste air, which is forced to the ceiling and then out of the room through exhaust panels or the kitchen hood. This creates two levels of air in a room, with cool fresh air in the occupied lower part of the room, and warm waste air in the unoccupied upper part of the room. This also creates natural convection, because as the cool air rises it cools the occupants and then the heat taken from them is expelled from the room. Displacement cooling & ventilation can eliminate the need for large HVAC equipment, not only reducing energy costs but initial and maintenance costs as well. Let the pro’s do it correct the first time!
Patio restaurant Outdoor cooling made simple. www.coolairportable.com
Playground cooling made simple. www.coolairportable.com
IPANEMA cafeteria at Aglantzia Outdoor cooling made simple. www.coolairportable.com
Factory cooling made simple. www.coolairportable.com
Displacement cooling solution for hot restaurant kitchen Kitchen Ventilation The effectiveness of ventilation effectiveness is the ability of the ventilation system to achieve design conditions in the space (air temperature, humidity, the concentration of impurities and air velocity) at minimum energy consumption. The air distribution methods used in the kitchen should be one that provides adequate ventilation in the occupied zone, without disturbing the thermal plume. In the case of a commercial kitchen, the airflow rate required to ventilate the space is a major factor that contributes to the system energy consumption. Traditionally high-velocity mixing or low-velocity mixing systems are taken into consideration. An alternative that clearly demonstrates improved thermal comfort over mixing systems, is displacement ventilation. The supply of air (make-up air) can be delivered to the kitchen in two ways: • high velocity or mixing ventilation • low velocity or displacement. The airflow and air distribution methods that are used in the kitchen should be one that provides adequate ventilation in the place where it is installed, without disturbing the surrounding air as it rises into the hood system. As per the standards states ventilation rate over 40 vol. /h effect on the basis of the heat load may influence to droughts. The location of the installed ventilation is also important for providing good ventilation. Ventilating systems should be designed and placed so that the ventilation air is provided equally throughout the occupied zone. Locating the supply and exhaust units too close to each other, causing ‘short-circuiting’ of the air directly from the supply opening to the exhaust openings are some common faults. Installation of supply diffusers of high velocity close to the hood system leads to a reduction in the ability of the hood system to give ample capture and containment (C&C) of the thermal plume. It is a known fact that the type of air distribution system utilised affects the amount of exhaust needed to capture and contain the effluent created in the cooking process. A properly designed and sized kitchen hood will ensure that effluents and convective heat (warm air) from the cooking process are captured; however, it is not sufficient to ensure the kitchen space temperature is comfortable. The radiation load from appliances under the hood, heat from appliances not under the hood, people, lights, kitchen shell (heat transfer through walls and ceiling), solar load, and implied heat and moisture from untreated makeup air are to be managed by the kitchen air conditioning system. It is recommended that a negative air balance be maintained in the kitchen. A simple rule of thumb is that the amount of air exhausted from the kitchen should be at least 10% higher than the supply air flow into the kitchen. This will guarantee that the odours from the kitchen do not spread to the adjacent spaces. DISPLACEMENT VENTILATION—THE MORE EFFICIENT WAY TO COOL A KITCHEN Most conventional kitchens use mixing ventilation to cool the space. In mixing ventilation systems, cool conditioned air is typically supplied through ceiling diffusers at a high discharge velocity. This high velocity is required to create a high momentum air jet for efficient mixing of supply air with room air. This air distribution system may not neces- sarily be the best fit for a commercial kitchen for two reasons: 1. High discharge velocity from mixing diffusers creates unwanted air movement and cross-drafts in the kitchen that make it difficult to capture and contain the plume from cooking appliances with the hoods. 2. All the heat rising from multiple heat sources in the kitchen is mixed within the space. An alternative air distribution system—thermal displacement ventilation (TDV)—is a better fit for the kitchen environment. In TDV systems cool air is supplied at low velocity directly into the occupied zone. Rather than mix the heat and contaminants in the space, as the mixing system does, TDV stratifies and displaces them out of the occupied zone into the upper part of the space. As a result the air velocity in the space is low, with no undesired cross-drafts, which makes it easier for the hoods to capture and contain plumes from cooking appliances. In fact, the hood exhaust airflow can be reduced by 12.5 % (VDI 2052 1999) when a mixing air distri- bution system is replaced with TDV. The space temperature, especially in the lower occupied part of kitchen, is much cooler with the displacement ventilation system than with the mixing ventilation system. A more accurate comparison of the temperature difference between the displacement and mixing ventilation systems at various heights in the room is clearly understood in field practise by the kitchen personnel who feel discomfort at the face level. It can be observed that at a head height of 70 inches (1.8 m) the displacement system has a temperature of 85°F (29.4°C) and the mixing ventilation system has a temperature of 98°F (36.7°C). This result shows that displacement ventilation can have a positive impact on comfort in the kitchen space. Besides occupant comfort, an additional benefit of using the displacement ventilation system is that it can improve the efficiency of the kitchen exhaust hoods due to a reduction in turbulence in the kitchen environment.
Customer requested an efficient, save energy, white slim portable cooling solution for his hotel outdoor areas. Solution: installation of white, efficient and quiet portable cooling units to beat any high summer temperature!
Coffee shop chain Costa has launched a new ‘Eco Pod’ cafe concept, incorporating an array of innovative energy-saving technologies that could have a huge impact on the future of sustainable building design in the hospitality sector.
PROJECT: TGI FRIDAYS MALL outdoor dinning patio cooling CUSTOMER: Requested a portable cooling solution to enable an acceptable dining environment for his customers because of high ceiling heating radiation & high hot summer temperatures. SOLUTION: COOLAIR900 efficient, super save energy, super cooling
PROJECT: Creation of pharmaceutical warehouse to operate 24 hrs all year round at 24-25 degrees celsius. CUSTOMER: Requested a save energy solution. SOLUTION: Implementation of ZERO ENERGY DESIGN METHODOLOGY by Coolair's engineers, end result mechanical units for cooling have been reduced from 16 units down to 5 units.
PROJECT: Gym inside area CUSTOMER: requested a save energy cooling solution SOLUTION: 36,000 BTU solar a/c installation
Restaurant kitchen all in one portable solution for air-condition,dehumidifying, free hot water by coolairaustralia
PROJECT: Outdoor covered patio BEER HUB sports Bar CUSTOMER: Requested a save energy heating solution to operate automatic, create heating comfort zones and distribute heat evenly in the entire sitting area. SOLUTION: SMART RADIANT HEATERS the best premium radiant heaters in the world...check at www.australiaheating.com
Project: bakery preparation area, high temperature cooling solution Customer: requested a save energy portable cooling solution Solution: COOLAIR300 compressor water cooled model
Restaurant kitchen cooling, dehumidifying,free hot water installation all in one!
PROJECT: Manufacturing warehouse high temperatures environment CUSTOMER: Requested a save energy, super cold airflow spot cooling solution SOLUTION: COOLAIR500 compressor water cooled model
Restaurant concealed cooling installation to operate with open doors and windows
Customer requested a save energy solution to slash near zero his electricity expenses for fridge storage of his fruits. Solution: creation of thermoinsulated fridge buried in the mountain with air pipes buried 4 meters underground. Cold air is blown inside the pipes from the chillair and further cooled from earth. Night cooling automated function is preset.
Cafeteria outdoor sitting patio portable cooling installation
ALCO FILTERS factory spot heating solution for car filters production line
COFFEE ISLAND barista spot cooling installation
Restaurant outdoor dining area portable cooling installation
PROJECT: Grecian Parks's 5 star hotel new pastry workshop CUSTOMER: Requested a save energy cooling solution for specific cooling temperature for 24 hrs operation SOLUTION: Installation 1 solar dc inverter commercial 36,000 BTU casette a/c
WAGAMAMA restaurant: outdoor dinning patio portable cooling installation
Project: Japanese restaurant covered patio area. Customer: Requested a save energy heating solution to replace current heating by floor standing airconditioners & halogen heaters becuase of extemely high operational costs and ineficiency of heating result. Solution: Installation of total nine 3 phase radiant commercial heaters white, slim design heaters that do not emmit any light dusring operation. Customer saved more than 50% on electricity running costs - Owner cancel 3 floor standing airconditioners total 15KW , two ducted aiconditioner total 10KW and saved 6KW by replacing 14 halogen heaters 2KW each. Now heating is dispersed evenly in the restaurant area and creates a comfort zone for customers.
Cafeteria outdoor covered sitting patio concealed cooling installation
Pastry shop / cafeteria concealed cooling installation
BAR restaurant cooling/dehumidifying portable installation - just plug in to operate - remove 200 liter humidity per day!
MOONDOG SPORTS BAR/RESTAURANT outdoor sitting dinning patio cooling portable installation
BOUTIQUE HOTEL pool restaurant portable cooling installation
MOONDOG outdoor covered sitting patio cooling installation
PROJECT: complete renovation for HVAC CUSTOMER: requested a save energy airconditioning solution SOLUTION: Installation of solar dc inverter cassetes and solar dc inverter floor standing airconditioning units.
high ceiling pub indoor wall mounted cooling installation
Restaurant kitchen cooling/dehumidifying/free hot water portable installation
HOTEL pool restaurant concealed rooftop cooling installation
ROUTE66 outdoor sitting patio portable cooling installation
PROJECT: Restaurants tough to cool high heat kitchen CUSTOMER: Requested a fresh air pre-cooled solution SOLUTION: Invert er 16 speeds evaporator cooler with regulation of temperature and humidity levels, special insulated galvanized duct with four way distribution cold air grilles to direct air at the exact spots the cooks require spot cooling
COFFEE ISLAND outdoor sitting patio cooling installation
Green house ​Australia ...​structures are ​water and energy efficient out­ of our unigue environmentally friendly materials. ​Our engineers have found solutions to problems such as water runoff, heating and cooling energy consumption, construction waste and water waste, among other issues. ​Projects include commercial office buildings, shopping malls, hotels, multi-family residential properties etc..
FRUIT MARKET spot cooling installation
PATIO cocktail bar restaurant outdoor covered sitting area portable cooling installation
MIKEL cafeteria outdoor sitting patio cooling instalation
KAWA cafeteria outdoor covered sitting patio cooling installation
COFFEE BRANDS cafeteria outdoor sitting patio portable cooling installation by coolairaustralia
cafe/restaurant outdoor patio cooling installation by coolairaustralia
BETTING SHOP spot cooling installation
RABEL factory pre cooling air for generator
COFFEE ISLAND indoor area cooling installation
COFFEE HOUSE outdoor covered patio cooling installation
FISH & CHICK outdoor covered dinning patio cooling installation
AMMOS SEA SIDE restaurant cooling installation
MY MALL ARCADE indoor high ceiling area spot cooling solution
BEER restaurant outdoor patio sitting area cooling installation
KAWA cafeteria outdoor sitting patio cooling solution
WAGAMAMA sea side cooling outdoor covered patio seating area cooling installation
SUPERMARKET hangar type building spot cooling installation
KOUKOUVAGIA WINE BAR BISTRO outdoor sitting patio cooling installation
CAFE NERO sea side cooling installation to operate with open doors and windows so customers can truly enjoy the scenery
Segafredo sea side cafe/restaurant cooling installation. Quiet cooling airflow next to the customers sitting tables.
MICROSOFT offices patio heating: Design Your space, your rules What makes a SMART RadiantHeat unit so special is the fact that is also fully customizable and adaptable to any installation heights and surroundings. Nine SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA models are available from 700W to 5000W operated by electricity, hot water or solar power, ensuring the heating requirements of any undercover outdoor or open indoor or room area are met. Brackets for direct ceiling or wall/ceiling angled mounting are supplied as standard. Optional SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA accessories include beam or fixed umbrella mount brackets, extension mount brackets, chain suspension brackets, twin mount brackets and flush mounting enclosures. ​ In addition to our standard colours, sizes, control options and heating capacities, we are pleased to work with you in order to design one-of-a-kind heating solutions for your home or business.
Performance Ultra-fast response means immediate heat comfort in minutes Simply put – it's the best radiant heating system in the world: ​​ ​ 65% Savings Save the planet, save some money - or even a lot of money When it comes to radiant heat, SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA obliterates the competition, achieving a maximum heat surface output 380 degrees celsius in just minutes. Other products take 3 to 7 times longer to reach just 300 degrees celsius heat output. Because of this remarkable speed, we can take advantage of much lower kilowatt consumption, not only lowering your heating bill, but improving the performance, and lifespan, of your heating components as well.
Wine Bar lounge restaurant outdoor dinning area Comfort Subtle warmth everywhere you go – that's the power of SMART RADIANT HEAT AUSTRALIA radiant heat panels. ​ The whole system is operated automatically, easily and safely. Its thermostat and smart management controls by remote, central, wireless or Wi-Fi control enables flexible operation according to your unique living schedule or commercial needs for creating unique customized heating comfort zones. ​ Our thermostats allow the temperature to be controlled easily and precisely, down to the last degree.
SUCCESSFUL SAVE ENERGY HEATING IN ANY ENVIRONMENT!!! Rather than ask where CoolairAustralia’s SMART RadiantHeat units can be used, it would be more accurate to ask where they can’t be used! For any job, for any space, no matter how large, CoolairAustralia is the world’s leading manufacturer, Designer & provider of SMART RadiantHeat units for commercial and industrial applications. CoolairAustralia’s entire range of SMART RadiantHeat units is built to last and provide efficient heating zone control Super hot installation for new ROADTRIP all day sports bar
PROJECT: Roof top garden patio automated pergola stainless steel heating solution CUSTOMER: Requested a slim design, zero light, super efficient heating solution SLUTION: Stainless steel smart radiant heaters
PROJECT: 24 hr operated KIOSK high indoor ceiling area heating solution CUSTOMER: Requested a save energy, efficient heating solution to replace existing heating with air condition because of high indoor ceilings. - hot air rises up... SOLUTION: Wireless remote control operated smart radiant heater
PROJECT: New GLORIA JEANS cafe outdoor sitting area heating CUSTOMER: Requested a save energy, zero light, super slim heating solution SOLUTION: 180 degrees rotating zero light, mat black, slim super save energy 65% smart radiant heaters.
PROJECT: Fast Food Kitchen working area gets too cold when the exchaust hood operates as a result the kitchen staff can not work properly. CUSTOMER: Requested an efficient, save energy heating solution not to be affected by the exhaust hood operation. SOLUTION: SMART RADIANT HEATERS that use radiation as a heating principle and not heat the air by convection
PROJECT: SEA JOY ALL DAY LOUNGE outdoor covered dinning area heating CUSTOMER: Requested a slim, zero light, save energy heating solution to disperse heating evenly in all dining area. SOLUTION: SUPER FAST HEATING SMART RADIANT HEATERS
PROJECT: Boutique hotel outdoor smoking area heating CUSTOMER: Requested an efficient save energy heating solution for fully outdoor smoking area with zero degrees temperatures SOLUTION: SMART radiant heaters
PROJECT: Drinkery / Bar outdoor area heating CUSTOMER: Requested a zero light, efficient, save energy heating solutiuon SOLUTION: Zero light, super efficient, super save energy smart radiant heaters
PROJECT: Outdoor semi covered dinning area heating. CUSTOMER: Requested a save energy heating solution, zero light with flexibility of installation SOLUTION: 180 degrees rotating smart radiant heaters, IP65
PROJECT: Outdoor covered dinning area heating. CUSTOMER: Requested a zero red light, super hot, save energy heating solution. SOLUTION: Black mat slim, zero light, smart radiant heaters
PROJECT: Sea side Bar/lounge sushi restaurant heating for dinning area. CUSTOMER: Requested a zero light, white, minimalist heating solution not to interfere with the design and lighting of the space. SOLUTION: SMART RADIANT HEATERS WHITE COLOR
PROJECT: outdoor covered dinning area CUSTOMER: Requested a discreet heating solution SOLUTION: Zero light, super save energy 65%, smart radiant heaters
PROJECT: Outdoor covered dinning area for Japanese restaurant. CUSTOMER: Requested a discreet, super hot, super save energy heating solution. SOLUTION: Zero light, super slim, 65% super save energy smart radiant heaters
PROJECT: Outdoor covered dinning area. CUSTOMER: Requested a heating solution for stunning outdoor entertaining area. SOLUTION: super hot, super save energy 65%, zero light smart radiant heaters.
PROJECT: Outdoor sitting area CUSTOMER: Requested a save energy, super efficient heating solution for open area sitting SOLUTION: No emit light, smart radiant heaters by coolairaustralia
PROJECT: Outdoor sinning area WINE - DELI CUSTOMER: Requested a save energy heating solution to replace existing gas type heaters. SOLUTION: SMART RADIANT HEATERS, 65% SAVE ENERGY compared to gas heaters, no emit light, operated by remote control thermostat.
PROJECT: High ceiling beer garden sitting area CUSTOMER: Requested a save energy heating solution for his high ceiling area. SOLUTION: SMART RADIANT HEATERS, zero light during operation, radiant heating the needed space only
PROJECT: Outdoor sitting covered patio for cafeteria COFFEE ISLAND CUSTOMER: Requested a save energy, minimalist slim size heating solution. SOLUTION: SMART RADIANT HEATERS to provide maximum save energy results with max heating efficiency
Project: outdoor covered patio heating. Customer: Requested a save energy heating solution. Solution: Smart Radiant heating, save energy 65%, no emit light during operation, new slim size radiant heating panels. 5 YEAR GUARANTE
PROJECT: New souglakeri restaurant outdoor dinning area cooling CUSTOMER: Requested a portable tall cooling solution SOLUTION: COOLAIR400
PROJECT: TGI FRIDAYS KINGS AVENUE MALL outdoor patio cooling CUSTOMER: Requested a portable cooling solution for outdoor dinning area. SOLUTION: COOLAIR900 & COOLAIR800 portable one phase cooling units
PROJECT: Outdoor heating new roof top garden patio CUSTOMER: Requested a minimalist, no emit light efficient outdoor heating solution. SOLUTION: SMART RADIANT heaters super slim, no emit light, super efficient, super save energy 65%