Keeping cool can be a big issue nowadays with climate change which results in extremely high-ambient temperatures all year round.
Air conditioning sometimes is not a good option to cool commercial and industrial premises, as capital and running costs of these units are often extremely prohibitive. This is particularly true when we need to cool large spaces with high ceilings. The same thing happens when considering open or semi-open spaces, and therefore, traditional air conditioning is not an option.
The solution to all these situations can easily be found in evaporative cooling, which is fast becoming the most efficient option when cooling large areas or open (and semi-open) spaces.
The biggest objection that people raise against evaporative cooling technology is that it doesn’t work everywhere because of humidity. First of all, relative humidity and temperature are inversely proportional; during the periods where temperatures are high and humidity is low, there is more “space” for evaporation to occur, and therefore, for evaporative coolers to work better. This means that evaporative coolers’ performance increases with temperature, which is also great for reducing power bills, in direct contrast to refrigerated systems, which require increasing power when it’s hotter.
Air conditioning sometimes is not a good option to cool commercial and industrial premises, as capital and running costs of these units are often extremely prohibitive. This is particularly true when we need to cool large spaces with high ceilings. The same thing happens when considering open or semi-open spaces, and therefore, traditional air conditioning is not an option.
The solution to all these situations can easily be found in evaporative cooling, which is fast becoming the most efficient option when cooling large areas or open (and semi-open) spaces.
The biggest objection that people raise against evaporative cooling technology is that it doesn’t work everywhere because of humidity. First of all, relative humidity and temperature are inversely proportional; during the periods where temperatures are high and humidity is low, there is more “space” for evaporation to occur, and therefore, for evaporative coolers to work better. This means that evaporative coolers’ performance increases with temperature, which is also great for reducing power bills, in direct contrast to refrigerated systems, which require increasing power when it’s hotter.